Thursday, May 13, 2010

From the Mouth of Babes

On the way home from church last night, I was talking to Robert about how I tied a Rolling Stones song into our Bible study.  He is a budding musician and is beginning to have an interest in classic rock and roll.

I was telling him how Sympathy for the Devil talks about Satan's presence at every evil thing from the beginning of time; about how any time someone ever committed an evil act throughout history, Satan was there.  He was at the Holocaust, he was at the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr, he was at the Crusades.

I said, "Satan was there for every evil thing man has done."  From the backseat, Marina said, "So was Jesus."

Wow.  That is true.  Every time man has committed an evil act, two beings were present, Satan and God.  The transgressor chose to commune with Satan rather than God.  Think about that the next time you are tempted to sin.  Satan and God are both there.  Whom will you choose?

And to think that this profound observation came from my 6 year old... 

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Ah... but they have a very wise mother who is teaching them to think for themselves and leading them to Christ. So proud to call you friend...