Last weekend we wanted to get out of the house and go do something that wouldn't break the bank or take all day -- batting cages!!

Here's a picture of the kids on the rocks of the miniature golf course.
And Marina by herself...

We did spend a few bucks in the arcade b/c Marina begged and pleaded for vampire teeth which you need tickets to buy. I told her we could get several of them at WalMart for $0.97. "No! We HAVE to get them HERE!"

I didn't edit out the red eye b/c I think it adds to the overall effect...
Now to the "What a Waste" part - This go cart / mini golf / arcade is in Bellevue right at the Interstate. It once was a big deal. The mini golf place has a big giraffe that you can see from the Interstate. There is a big elephant, rocks, fountains, etc. But the "lakes" aren't filled with water, just this greenish line where the water used to be. The fountains are barely flowing. The astro turf is worn and taped down with duct tape. The pavilion is over grown with Virginia Creeper. The batting cages and go cart areas are fine b/c they are just concrete. The arcade is run down and it kind of smells in there. The bathrooms have broken faucets and broken paper towel holders. There is a duct tape theme here b/c there is duct tape being used to repair the rips in the carpet. Except for the skee ball (isn't that what you call the game where you roll the balls up the ramp?) and the air hockey table, everything else is worn out and out dated. But there is a sign that encourages you to have your birthday party there...
Every time I see something like that I want to find a way to buy it and make it what it could be. I don't even follow through with the fantasy and then sell it for big money. I just know that I could do it better, that guy could do it better.
When I see little store fronts that would be just perfect as a bakery or a gas station that could be a really neat store (Coakley's for example), I start planning about how I would do the build out, what the logo would look like, etc. -- even though that is nowhere in my long term goals for my family. If I ever get any money, I could be dangerous...
ps. Kym, I am still planning on opening a boutique in PV for you and Shannon to run, so that you, my mom, and I can have a place to show case our Martha Stewart sides... And we need to sell specialty desserts (for Delaney)...
Hey you! I just wanted to leave a comment because oooh, how I love to see comments on my page!! Anyway...I love that your are posting all of the time!! I feel reunited even though I'm 10,000 miles and it feels so good!!
I love your pictures and that Roberts kid...gah...what a brat...
Keep posting! I'm reading!!
Miss you!
I will surely come by and be the taste tester, um, cough cough, if you need one! :D
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