Why, I asked, would I want to add "blogging" to my list of things to do in a day? Well, Kym McDonald is one of my BFFs (see how cool I am - I've got this text / blog lingo down) and she said, "I never know where you are or what you are doing. You need a blog." A blog? I scoffed at the idea. I am far too busy and blogging is so cliche. I prefer human interaction. Hmmpf. So yesterday my daughter was in a pageant and I had to explain / justify this to about 15 different people either in e-mail or over the phone. Then I knew I would have the responsibility of dowloading the pictures and e-mailing them out to everyone. This little thought creeped into my head, "if I had a blog, like Kym, I could just tell people to look there..." So here I am, thanks to Kym. And if I were to be honest, this will probably provide me more human interaction with friends and family than I am getting now. A quick, "yeah, uh huh" as I drive from one appointment to another isn't really much interaction... I'll probably be less of a mystery to everyone now. That is, assuming you have nothing better to do than check in with the Sherberts... Anyway, this won't be as hip as Kym's blog, but it'll get us started. As for the pageant, here is a copy of the pageant portions of the e-mail that I sent to Kym. As soon as I learn how to add pictures to this, you can see for yourself how precious the girl is... "You may know that Marina decided this year that baseball was NOT for her. She told me she just wants to sing and dance on TV. So she started dance class. Then one night after baseball for Robert we came home and turned on the TV. The last 5 or 10 women in the Miss Universe pageant were on. Marina kept saying how beautiful they were. Then her Barbies started having pageants. Then she said she wanted to be in a pageant. Rob and I looked at each other b/c this was about 2 weeks before the fair, and the words started forming and before we could stop them, we told Marina that there was a pageant coming up at the fair. So we signed her up ($20), we bought her a dress ($30), we bought her shoes ($7), and she won first place (priceless). The sign up form said church dress, child will not be judged on clothing. So we got her a fairly simple, but kind of dressy sundress and brown sandals. She wore her hair straight and normal. Every other child had satin and lace and curls and glitter, etc. She also was one of only 2 girls that didn't wear white or yellow. But they were all so cute, I kept telling Marina, "You never know who will win. There are a lot of cute girls here." She kept saying, "I hope I make it to the next round." Too much American Idol, Nashville Star, etc. in our house... But the end result was that she had the best time. She said, "I'm so excited!" about a hundred times. And then when she won, she said, "I'm thrilled!" Dr. Phil said on a show that one of my jobs as a parent is to be a talent scout. I need to expose my children to lots of different things and find what they love and what they are good at. So if Robert takes me to a million baseball games, I guess I have to follow Marina to just as many dance classes and pageants. And I can console myself by saying that she enjoys it and whether or not it is my thing, it is her thing for now." There's our beginning on the world wide web. Hang in there with me as I figure this all out...
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