Here is a photo of the top three in the Fair pageant. Are they cute or what?? When we got home that night, Marina said, "I need to put this dress away. It is very important to me." She has carried her trophy (1st place) around with her from room to room since Monday. Her game ball from the game where she hit a double is who knows where, but her trophy - that's another story. I guess she has found what makes her happy... I am too incompetent to figure out how to put the video on here, so these pictures will have to do. If I figure out the video portion, I'll add it later. But it's not very good anyway. This is a picture of Marina and her friend Lilly. The only two ladies brave enough to wear color...
Man, I am on a roll... Here are some pictures from Marina's other endeavor - dance.
By the way, I do have another child. Robert is my 10 year old son.
Let me tell you a little story about why I am somewhat of a bad mom. Robert had been invited to join a tournament baseball team. That is a big deal to people in Ashland City baseball. You only get on a tournament team if you are good. And Ashland City had never had a tournament team come out of its park. So we thought this was pretty cool. Let me tell you the reality of tournament ball. It is hot, expensive, cut throat, and basically no fun. A baseball mom that I go to church with said we just got on the wrong team, but I don't know...
So, we had invested this time and money in this venture to have my child and another child sit the bench for most of the season. I know that I am biased, but I am telling you the truth when I say that as far as skill, Robert and Peyton are just as good as any other player on the team. None of them had ever played tournament ball, so it was new to everyone. I have mulled this over and over - why did Robert and Peyton (and the two West Cheatham players) sit the bench more than any of the others - when other players with no more talent, but much worse attitudes, get to play the infield and stay on the field for all of every game? By the way, these were not close games, we were losing each by 20 runs or more.
I have concluded that Robert and Peyton were the quietest players on the team. They don't back talk, don't throw fits when they are in the dug outs, etc. Also, we as parents, didn't call the coach or loud talk the coach for them being in the dug out. Also, Robert is 2 grades ahead of the other players on the team. He's just different. So I think it was just easier to bench Robert and Peyton. Needless to say, we are done with travel ball...
But below is one of the few pictures that I managed to capture. During this game two players were out with injuries, so Robert finally got to play the infield. And I had the camera. Well, he proceeded to play in the dirt, kick rocks, not move for the ball. I know that at this point we were so over the whole thing that he probably had no drive to do better. But I thought, I can't believe that he is acting like this. I took pictures of him being a naughty baseball player so he can see what he looks like when he isn't paying attention. Then my battery died.
Here's the punch line, during the next inning (no camera) he caught a ball, tagged a runner, and threw to first for a triple play! When he received the tournament ball, his coach said, "That was something that you'll probably not see again - an essentially unassisted triple play."
So hopefully this web archive of sorts will encourage me to take more pictures of both of them, no matter how they are acting!