Where do you find a thank you card for dead dog removal?
Here is a truly gruesome bit of info from the Sherbert household. When Rob was home over the weekend he ran over one of our dogs - not Amos, the pitbull, but a 6 month old Shepherd mix that we found dumped on our road.
The dog ran off into the woods. We tried to find her to no avail. We were afraid that she might come home and get under the house. The boys looked under the house later in the day and didn't see her.
Well, two days ago I knew she had made it under the house - July summer heat, you get the picture.
The next morning I started looking around and pulling away underpinning and found her, but despite your best effort, being 38 weeks pregnant limits your ability to deal with some things - this being one. With Rob being out of town, I had to call my dad. After work that day, he took care of it for me.
It's weird when you realize that even though you have been married for 14 years, have three children that you are raising, have two advanced degrees, etc, sometimes you still just need your dad to come to your rescue. But it's really great when you realize that he will without a moment's hesitation.

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