Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Commitment

Ok. It's on. I have got to get a serious grip. I have been on auto pilot for what seems like forever. I don't put away laundry. I don't eat right. I don't exercise. I am never on time for anything. I leave my keys everywhere but where they are supposed to be. How can one seemingly intelligent person be so disorganized?? I am making a commitment today to expect more of myself. I don't know how, but I am going to get my act together (except maybe the exercise part).

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Have you ever sat down and opened your inbox to discover that God sent you an e-mail? Well, I just did and I thought I would share what He had to say. (What I mean is I received a new edition of a blog to which I subscribe that was exactly what I didn't want to hear, but instead, was what I needed to hear). Maybe it will strike a chord with you.